Certified Timeline Genius

Breanne Dodge

TG Certified TG Certified
Founder and Principal Coordinator ThistleBEA your wedding Vancouver, Canada

What inspired you to launch your own business?

I have wanted to be a wedding planner since I was 9. I went to school and became a certified "international event and wedding planner" and yet I still had difficulties finding a position as a planner or even as an assistant. So, after helping my brother- and sister-in-law with their wedding, I realized it was time to do this on my own. With the encouragement of my now-husband, I quit my 9-5 at a event rental shop and started ThistleBEA in fall 2016.


What keeps you passionate about weddings?

Weddings have this... immeasurable quality to them that brings out all the best things that I'm good at which gives me so much joy. After having my daughter via an emergency C-section, followed by an emergency exploratory laparotomy in 2019, I was at a wedding rehearsal 2 weeks later and a wedding 2 weeks after that, because I couldn't stay away. And as COVID hit, I decided to pivot and go back to school to find a new passion, yet here I am, unable to release myself from the enjoyment executing a perfect wedding brings me and dropping the ridiculous notion that I want to do anything else.


Please share a recent testimonial from a happy client!

"Breanne is an absolute gem! We found ThistleBEA through a facebook review and I'm so glad we contacted her. When we originally planned our (bigger) wedding, Breanne met with us at the beginning to go over our plans and was able to provide ideas and made us think about more detailed items. When COVID hit, Breanne was again there for support and questions. She was super accommodating and helpful when we had to re-schedule our wedding. When our wedding had to be even MORE downsized due to restrictions (ceremony only now!), we were still SO relieved to have Breanne there. She was there early to set up, spoke up for us regarding questions with the vendor/church, and made sure the ceremony went smoothly. We found out later that the WiFi for the livestream did not work prior so Breanne was there to help troubleshoot, and even used her data plan so the livestream went through without a hitch. Thank you so much Breanne, you are fantastic and we were so lucky to have had you with us!" - Serina & Bernard Pineda